Posted by admin on July 1, 2024 in Mother's Day Messages |


“M” is for the million things she gave me,
“O” means only that she’s growing old,
“T” is for the tears she shed to save me,
“H” is for her heart of purest gold;
“E” is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
“R” means right, and right she’ll always be,
Put them all together, they spell “MOTHER,”
A word that means the world to me.
I adore her smile,
I cherish her hugs
I admire her heart
But most of all…
I love that she is my
You never appreciate all of the things your mother did for you until you find yourself doing the same thing for your own children. Happy Mother’s Day!!

Real moms are not perfect but they love us so perfectly!!
Being a mother is not about what you gave up to have a child but what you have gained from having one.
Life does not come with a manual, it comes with a mother. Happy Mother’s Day!!
So much of what we know about love, we learn from our mother.
Happy Mothers Day!!
My dear mother
Thank you for being the light in our family.
‘Your example has taught us how to be a good person. I love you so much!!

From your loving child!!
Dear Mom,
Thank you for teaching me
What’s right and wrong.
You are the best mother
In the whole world.
I love you infinity!

Your loving child!!
Let us be grateful to our mothers
who makes us happy;

They are the charming
gardeners who makes our souls blossom.
MOM is just
upside down.
Happy Mother’s day to all the wow Mothers!!
I love my mom because she is so thoughtful and she always mindful of my needs. Happy Mother’s Day!!
Dear Mom
All my life, you’ve held
my finger and showed me
the way, I am unable to
express my love and
gratitude in words. I just
want to say that I love
you. And I will be there
for you the way you
were there for me.
Selfless Love
In This World
Every Artist Gives
His Name To
A Poem or a Portrait,
A Novel or a Play,
But There is only Mother,
Who Gives Birth to a Child
But Gives Father’s Name..
Good moms have dirty laundry, sticky floors, mismatch socks, tired eyes, happy kids and unlimited love.
Behind every good kid is a great mom. Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms!!
If I didn’t have you as my MOTHER, I would chose you as my FRIEND.
Love is blind because “You started loving me before seeing my face.”

“She never quite leaves her children at home, even when she doesn’t take them along.”
There will be so many times when you feel like you’ve failed but in the eyes, heart and mind of your child you are Super Mom.
Happy Mother’s Day!!
“Being a mother is learning about strengths you did not know you had, and dealing with fears you did not know existed.”
A MOTHER is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.
“Sooner or later we all quote our mothers.”
A mother’s love for her child is nothing else in the world. it knows no law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in the path.
No matter how old a mother is, she watches her middle aged children for signs of improvement.
“I am like a flower that is raised with love by you. You help me grow up big and strong Mom thanks for all you do!!
A single mother was asked by a friend what her son is taking in college. With a sigh she replied,” Everything I have.”
Every mother is like a soil and her children are her flowers.
It’s my mother’s love that makes my world go round.
A Mother’s Love
is Patient and Forgiving
when all others are
it never fails or falters
even though the Heart
is breaking…
My Mom
You do so much for me
You are always working so hard
So I’ve been thinking and I’ve
Decided I am not going to ask
For any more favors.
Mothers hold their child’s hand for a moment and the heart for a lifetime… Happy Mother’s Day!!
She broke the bread into two fragments and gave it to her children, who ate what with eagerness. “She hath saved none for herself,” grumbled the sergeant. “Because she is not hungry,” said the soldier.
“No,” said the sergeant,
“because she is a mother.”
“We traded sleep for dark circles,
salon haircuts fro ponytails,
long baths for quick showers,
late night for early mornings,
designer bags for school bags
and we wouldn’t change a thing!
We call ourselves a mums and
we don’t care about what we gave up
and instead LOVE is what we get in return!

That’s what being a mum is all about!?
A mother’s Love the Heart of a family.
Children and Mothers
Never truly part
Bound together by the
beating of one another’s hearts.
Recipe for an Awesome Mom
Add a smile and a hug
A nurse when I catch a bug
A dash of nice
A splash of spice
A mix in a rule or two
Someone who’s there through and through
Lots of love and plenty of advice
Someone who can roll the dice
Have some fun and play a game
I’ve got a lady from the Hall of Fame
There is no way to be a perfect mother… but a million of ways to be a good one
Mother is the biggest
gift of God
to all human being
Believe it or not she
is the real queen
se protects her child
and not mean
Spanish proverb
An ounce of mother is worth a ton of priest.
The ABCs of Motherhood
Mom thanks for all the jobs you do!
Advisor Beautician Counselor Defender Enricher Facilitator Guide Historian Inventor Juggler Kisser Listener Mentor Nurse Observer Pet Keeper Quizzer Referee Supporter Teacher Umpire Valet Worrier Xpeditor Yielder Zen master
Who ran to help me
when I fell,
And would some
pretty story tell,
Or kiss the place
to make it well?
My mother
Main rahoon na rahoon meri *MAA* ka kheyaal rakhna,
Meri khushiyan bhi ley le meri sansain bhi le ley,
Mager meri *MAA* k gird sada khushiyon ka jaal rakhna…
Hey mom, I just want to say how much wonderful you are. You have shown me your love right from my birth.
Today is one special day of year,
Let’s celebrate!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mothers Day,
Mommy you are the best mom I ever known and I will keep saying this you need award for being the best mom in the world.
Being a full-time mother is
one of the highest salaried jobs…
since the payment is pure love.
I love you
I love you
And care for you
Very much
Wish u a very happy mother’s day
Happy Mother’s Day
means more than flowers and gifts
It means saying thank you
It means I love you
You are my mother, my friend
Today is your day!
In an exam,
children to write an essay on mother.
A cute child wrote:
“Combination of million words
4m 26 alphabets
can never express my loving mom.”:-)
This is Mother’s day…
A day to tell you how much you mean to me.
But Mom… I don’t need any special occasion to tell you…
How much I Love You.
That’s because I Love You each and every day!
*K Liye*
Ya *RAB* meri *MAA* kolazawalrakhna,
Just to say thank you is not enough to admit your devotion and love.. You are like the depth of sea and your love is un measurable…if I give me whole life to admire your part for making me what I am…it will not be enough…
Brightness of a mother’s eyes is brighter than the sun..when she look her kids with the deepest love…happy mother’s day
My mamaa’s love is deeper than an ocean…love you to be my sweet mom…happy mother’s day
My mother is most beautiful person on this earth, and she is my best critic…..and my strongest supporter…love you mamma…happy mother’s day
I feel so proud to have a mother like you. I love you a lot and always will…though I am far away from you,,,, but no one will be able to replace you….misss you on this mother’s day….
Muje dil say na bhulana…chahy roky ye zamana…love you payari ami…
most precious feelings of the world…
a mother’s…
gentle touch…
a warm hug….
Long lasting prayers..
Love you mama…happy mother’s day…
A best role a woman can play Is to be a mother…love of mother is blind n unlimited…love you mummy happy mother’s day….
My mother is an angel for me…she take care of my every deed and show her deepest concern. She is one to whom I can give my all love and life…love you sweet mamma… happy mother’s day
I ♥ my mom….happy mother’s day amaa…

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